Friday, January 17, 2014

The secrets behind Coconut

1. Rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals
2. Naturally antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and anti fungal, it kills the bad stuff inside and outside your body.
3. Boosts energy, endurance, thyroid function and metabolism to prevent obesity and assist in weight loss.
4. Reduces health risks of diabetes by improving insulin blood glucose functions.
5. Protects against osteoporosis by improving calcium and magnesium absorption, build strong bones and teeth
6. Protects the body against various forms of cancers.
7. Suppose healing and repair of skin and protects from free radicals that promote aging.
8. The lauric acid in coconut oil worth’s as a natural under-arm deodorants by killing odor-causing bacteria.
9. Softens skin, conditions hair, prevents wrinkles, sags and age spot, control dandruff.
10. Has no harmful side effects.

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